Privacy Policy (en) 

Privacy policy:

Canteeny is committed to the fullest extent to protecting your personal data, and by accepting the privacy policy of Canteeny clients, you allow us to collect, use and disclose your personal information only in accordance with the privacy policy

Canteeny will use the personal information you provide to us to ensure that your requests and requirements are met efficiently. We are committed to protecting the privacy of the personal information you provide to us on our site. We will not share the personal information that you have provided to us unless required to do so by law. By agreeing to these terms and conditions, you agree to allow us to contact you by e-mail, if necessary, to inform you about our products and all that is new. In the event that you wish not to continue, you can write to us via our e-mail or call us by phone set out below.

Privacy Policy Terms


Preserving and protecting the personal data of (Canteeny) site visitors and members is one of our most important priorities since the personal information of members and visitors will be collected and how this information is used. By entering or registering on (Canteeny) website or one of its services, you give consent to collect and use your personal information as described in the privacy statement and policy below, in addition to agreeing to all of what is mentioned on this page.

Collection of personal information:

The Canteeny website collects your personal data directly or indirectly through you. The site collects this data through the information you provide yourself for the purpose of registering in any of the website services, and this data includes, for example, your personal name, gender, date of birth, job, postal address, e-mail, phone number, and other data, in addition to information obtained due to your use and browsing of any of the pages of the site and to any other information you share with the site.

Use of personal information:

Canteeny uses your personal information for several purposes, including, but not limited to, allowing you to access and use the site, providing a specific service to you, sending updates and news, preparing statistics and reports on the popularity of the site among Internet users, improving the performance of the website and its services. The site has the right to disclose your personal information to the extent required in accordance with the laws in relation to any current or expected legal procedures and for the purpose of establishing and exercising the defense of its legal rights. Canteeny is not responsible for the privacy policies or practices of any third party that may use your data.

Sharing personal data:

Canteeny website may share your personal data with other parties for marketing purposes, including name, email, phone number, country, city, etc. Canteeny site is not responsible for the privacy policies or practices of any third party that may use your data.

Securing your data:

(Canteeny) will take all reasonable technical and administrative precautions to prevent the loss, misuse or alteration of your personal information. (Canteeny) will store all your personal information in its secure servers.

Transfer data abroad:

The information collected by (Canteeny) site may be saved, dealt with, transferred, and traded between any of the countries in which (Canteeny) site or one of its branches exist, or any other parties to enable the use of such information in accordance with the privacy policy of the site. By using or registering on Canteeny website, you consent to the transfer of your personal information outside the borders as described.

Updating this statement:

Check this page from time to time for any new updates or entries. “” may update the privacy policy by adding, modifying or deleting some or all items.

intellectual property rights:

Ownership of copyright for this site and its contents is reserved to (Canteeny) site and those who hold a license from it, including without any limitation of content: text, site programming, design and images, audio and visual content).

Publication license:

(Canteeny) the site grants you a license to view this site and its contents on your device via a web browser, publish or save this site and its contents on your device's memory, and print pages from the site (for your individual use and for non-commercial purposes). (Canteeny) the site does not grant you any other rights regarding this site and its contents, meaning that any other rights are reserved. To avoid confusion, you must not transmit, write, alter, publish, republish, distribute, redistribute, broadcast, rebroadcast, display or operate this website or the material on it to the public (by any means of publication) without written permission from the site

data extraction:

The automatic or regular collection of data from the (Canteeny) website is prohibited for the average user. Approval must be obtained from the Canteeny website administration to get any data from the website and display it on other websites.

Infringement of rights:

If you become aware of the existence of materials on the website that you believe constitute an infringement of property rights or contrary to law or public morals, please inform us immediately by writing to us through e-mail or phone.

Agreeing to the changes to the privacy policy:

Canteeny website reserves the right to make changes, modifications, and additions to this privacy policy from time to time, and you should review the privacy policy and its terms from time to time. You hereby consent to them and to us collecting, using, and storing your personal data in the manner described in the Privacy Policy or elsewhere on the Sites that will increase our rights to use the personal data we have previously collected about you.

Opinions of members and visitors:

All opinions, programs, topics, recommendations, or comments presented on the Canteeny website by members or visitors, express the opinion of its author. Hence, the Department of (Canteeny) website disclaims any responsibility for the violation of intellectual property rights, publication, copyright, law, or other violations it contains. In the event that a material subject to your copyright and property rights is published on the Canteeny website or is re-displayed through our search engine and you wish to remove it, please send us an email with detailed information about it.

Contact us:

If you have any questions regarding our privacy policy or have any objections or complaints, do not hesitate, please contact us at:

+965 66076116